
Focus on Action Plan

Please Meet Claire; An ambitious virtual business manager who works with successful female entrepreneurs.

THE CHALLENGE: Claire was working as a virtual assistant and found herself lost in defining her niche, he offer and pricing. This lack of clarity was attracting wrong clients and Claire was ready to finally use her full potential to attract the best clients!


We dived deeper into systems process of getting clients, we analysed ideal clients, and Claire’s monthly income goals. In the end we built 3 offers and a 90 days action plan focus on income generating activities and getting ideal clients.


„Ania helped me change my mindset and only two months later, I had my best month of my business EVER!  Highly recommended if you are struggling with booking clients. She doesn’t just help you build a business plan, she tunes into the lifestyle you want to live and helps you make your business work around you so that you feel you can have it all!” 

Ready to start a project?GETTING ONLINE CLIENT